Veneers in Centennial, CO
Veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment designed to enhance the look of your smile. Veneers are thin shells that are shaped and custom made out of porcelain or other tooth-colored materials. Porcelain is a popular choice for dental veneers because the natural shade and translucence of porcelain are close matches for the appearance of natural tooth enamel, ensuring that your new smile looks beautiful and natural. When bonded to your teeth, veneers can make your smile flawlessly radiant. Dental veneers can help improve your smile by:
- Fixing crooked or misshapen teeth
- Brightening your teeth
- Correcting teeth that are too large or too small
- Removing gaps between teeth
- Repairing teeth that have worn, cracked, or chipped
- Perfecting your smile
Dr. Harmon, our talented dentist, can place your dental veneers in Centennial, Colorado in just one or two visits to our comfortable dental office. We will ensure that your custom dental veneers fit comfortably and aesthetically, and we are committed to providing you with a positive and enjoyable dental experience. If you would like to learn more about your options for a brighter, more beautiful smile, call Harmon Dental today. We look forward to improving your smile!