Sensitive Teeth

Published on February 7, 2013 by

Sensitive teeth can have several life altering consequences, from having to avoid cold water, not being able to whiten your teeth, passing on the ice cream or not brushing that area because it just hurts. By now it is a way of life and you really have no other option but to live with it; or do you?

We know that several things can cause sensitive teeth including:

  •      Tooth decay (cavities)
  •      Fractured teeth
  •      Worn fillings
  •      Gum disease
  •      Worn tooth enamel
  •      Exposed tooth root
  •      Clenching and Grinding
  •      Heavy Brushing

Our teeth have a hard outer layer called enamel that protects the inner layer called the dentin from stimulus that can cause nerve sensitivity. If the enamel becomes weakened or root is exposed your tooth can become sensitive. Once you loose enamel it will not grow back it is lost forever. The goal is to keep the enamel healthy and your gums clean so that you can protect the inner layer from sensitivity.

So what can you do to keep your teeth sensitive free and to help sensitive teeth.

First: Take preventative measures by using a soft bristle toothbrush. Medium and hard bristles can wear the enamel off. Also whitening tooth paste has hard abrasives that can wear the enamel.

Second: If you clench your teeth we recommend a custom fit night guard that can take the stress off your enamel

Third: Use Sensitive Fluoride toothpaste on the areas that have weakened enamel. When looking for sensitive toothpaste look for the active ingredient Potassium Nitrate.

Fourth: If the enamel is chipped, fractures or a filling came out the tooth might need a crown to cover the exposed sensitive area

Fifth: Your root might be exposed also causing sensitivity. We can cover the root with a gum graft to help with sensitivity.

Sixth: A tooth that is extremely sensitive might have a damaged nerve. If the nerve is damaged a root canal is needed to stop the sensitivity.

If you have sensitive teeth you can always come in for a consultation to see what we can do to help. Our goal is to help you have comfortable healthy teeth. Call for your Exam …

Dr. Harmon




Bleeding gums are normal. Right?

Published on October 1, 2012 by

Whenever I do a dental exam I ask, how are your teeth doing? The response I get back for the most part is, “Good”. After I complete the exam I am curious to find that the teeth are great but the gums that support the teeth are red, inflamed and unhealthy. The patient is living with great healthy teeth but the supporting structure of gums and bone is slowly deteriorating due to gum disease, and they are not feeling any pain or discomfort. Let’s talk about the warning signs, risk factors and what you can do to prevent gum disease.

Warning signs:

  1. Gums that bleed easy/or when flossing
  2. Swollen, red tender gums (They should be pink)
  3. Gums that have pulled away from the tooth (gum recession)
  4. Persistent bad breath or bad taste in your mouth
  5. Loose teeth
  6. Changes in the way your teeth fit together in your bite

Risk Factors:

  1. Poor home care
  2. Smoking or chewing tobacco
  3. Genetics
  4. Crooked teeth that are hard to keep clean
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Diabetes
  7. Medications

What is it and What can YOU do?

Get your teeth cleaned and maintain your regular dental check-ups. Even those that have great home care miss a day flossing and that tough spot in the mouth while brushing. It only takes a day to get build-up on your teeth and for your gums to start bleeding, and that is what Gingivitis is. If you do not stop the bleeding and your gums continue to bleed Gingivitis will progress to the next stage called Periodontitis. (This is classified when you start to lose bone.) You will notice your gums recede, bleed and odors coming from your mouth.  Once you lose bone you will not grow it back. We are here to help you fight this quiet disease that usually does not cause pain but major damage. If you notice your gums have been bleeding for some time come see us! According to the CDC 47% of adults over 30 have a form of gum disease. Check the video out on the link below from the ADA website to learn more about gum disease. If you have questions please call us at 303-796-7400